
Stephanie Christine

About my work

Stephanie Christine

Life is about energies. Over the past years I have dedicated my life exploring the depths of human capabilities, and it’s a path filled with profound revelations and boundless possibilities. My work is based on my personal journey to free myself from the imprisonment from within. And to take all the experiences, reflect on them and combine them with new knowledge.

It is my vision to serve humanity by tapping back into sovereignty through an understanding of the world we live in and how to live naturally in a modern environment.

The world as we may know it is facing a huge transformational process. Humanity is changing. Awareness is evolving. Dots are connecting. Hidden secrets are being revealed. The existence of the natural and universal laws are increasingly becoming the focus of our being, as well as the power of our mind when it comes to creating our own life. There is so much around it. Sometimes it may all seem overwhelming, nevertheless it is nothing less than a journey to remember the potential and the possibilities that lie within us.

It is noticeable that society is getting increasingly seriously ill, and disconnected not only from themselves, but from each other and from nature.
The truth is coming to the surface. The truth is… the environment we live in is toxic, people are toxic.

Toxicity is the root cause of our unhealthy society — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. People feel stuck in a box of disconnection from nature, their environment, their potential and ultimately, themselves. It is systemic toxicity. The water that we drink, the food that we eat, the air that we breathe, and the life that we live keeps our true and inner potential hostage, and our natural vibration blocked.

Regardless there is greatness within us, and there are solutions to allow it to unveil and to bring it to the surface. And it is my strong believe, that it is our responsibility to do so, because our bodies are the sacred vessels for energy transmutation. To tap into the full spectrum of our capabilities, we must cultivate a state of purity within ourselves. Imagine a crystal-clear stream flowing seamlessly; that’s what our bodies should emulate to become conduits for unleashing our latent powers.

One cannot speak of unlocking human potential without honoring the tiny, yet mighty pineal gland. Often referred to as the ‘third eye’, this gland is the epicenter of our spiritual awakening, bridging the gap between the material world and realms beyond our usual perception. It’s not just a part of us; it’s a gateway to unity, a nexus that binds us to the cosmos and to each other.

My digital nomad lifestyle, shared with my dear partner Henrik, is a testament to the freedom that awaits when we live in harmony with this truth. With every land we traverse and every culture we embrace, we glean fresh insights and experiences that enrich this ongoing discourse with the universe. It’s a dance of discovery, an ode to the nomadic spirit that resides within each of us, urging us to explore and evolve.

In conclusion, this isn’t just a narrative of my life—it represents a collective adventure towards enlightenment. It’s about every individual story intertwining with the grand tapestry of existence. Join me in this pursuit of clarity, health, and a life filled with purpose-driven travels. Together, let’s unlock the celestial promise that lays dormant within us all.

Stephanie Christine

Greatness is in everything and everyone.

dusty blue


My mission is to elevate your awareness of the detrimental effects toxins and chemicals have on your well-being as well as your greatness. Instead of merely alleviating symptoms, delves into the root causes, advocating a holistic approach to health. By harnessing the inherent potency of nature, we aspire to cultivate lifestyles that nurture both physical vitality and emotional fulfillment.


ROOT Wellness envisions a world where sustainable living harmonises with global health aspirations. As a beacon in the realm of health and wellness, we are committed to unraveling the intricate layers of well-being. Our dedication lies in addressing health challenges at their source, advocating for non-GMO, organic, vegan, and gluten-free alternatives. Through our endeavors, we strive to empower individuals, fostering a sense of agency in managing their health journey with confidence and joy.